Rattle Making Workshops
In this hands-on class you will learn how to design and hand craft a medicine rattle using animal raw hide. Deer, Goat and Kangaroo skins will be available in a range of colours.
It is believed that the Rattle is ‘inspirited’, the Huichol peoples of the Sierra Madre mountains say that the Rattle helps us hear our Soul’s voice and the voices of the helping spirits and Ancestors. In shamanic practice the Spirit Rattle is also employed to dislodge and clear congested or heavy areas within the luminous body and stimulate the circulation of the living light energies, as well as inducing a trance state for effective journeying into the spirit realm. Rattles are readily used in calling in helping spirits and allies and singing/making music for healing relaxation celebration and empowerment.
We honour the animals and trees and all nature's gifts being to craft these sacred healing tools in ceremony at the start of the day along with sharing in teachings and rattle play exploring energy practices.
The afternoon session students design their unique rattle shape cut and stitch the hide, fill and set hard.
Creating the sound of your rattle is an intuitive and somatic process with much experimentation before we connect with our Rattles voice. There will be a large variety of fillers to allow for both soft or loud sounding rattles and everything in between.
Sticks are shaped and sanded and nourished with beeswax balm before attaching to the rattle head. The piece is then decorated with leathers feathers crystal beads and fringing to your heart’s desire.
You are welcome to bring any extra trinkets or beads you may wish to add on, and any special sticks to be used for the handle.
All materials and lunch and snacks are included.
Class time: 10am-4pm in Berry NSW
Custom Made Spirit Rattles
Please get in touch with us if you would like a Spirit Rattle crafted especially for you.
Custom made price $180.